
e-SAFE / Erasmus +
Project number: 2020-1-PL01-KA202-081690
e-SAFE will develop a comprehensive training curriculum for chefs, kitchen staff, food handlers, outlet managers and agri-food processing employees within the EU to increase their knowledge and skills in order to prevent the impact of food-borne diseases on public health.
More specifically, the aim of the training package is to provide up-to-date knowledge and to improve the food handlers’ skills, enabling them to reconsider erroneous practices during food processing, and food safety related to COVID-19.
Training will be oriented towards major emerging/re-emerging, non-easily recognized and usually ignored food hazards.
To whom is it addressed?
Chefs, kitchen staff, food handlers, outlet managers and agri-food processing employees associated with meal production and food service delivery
Professional associations, food safety organizations, food industries, academic institutions, VET providers and developers of VET training and policy makers at all levels.
Who are the partners?
Leader: The Polish Farm Advisory and Training Centre (Polonia)
- Prolepsis Institute (Grecia)
- Centre for Social Innovation (Cipro)
- ISEKI-Food Association (Austria)
- Kauno maisto pramones ir prekybos mokymo centras (Lituania)
- Italian Cuisine di Gianluca Pardini (Italia)

Food safety
Product quality control
The target group will be motivated to improve or change daily industrial practice (including many erroneous practices during meal preparation) through multiple means (“face-to-face” interactive seminars, e-learning platform and website with offline and online tools and materials). By this training, we anticipate that previously mismanaged and not adequately prevented hazards will be tackled appropriately. Outlet managers in SMEs will also become familiar with the principles of HACCP as well as with tools and models and methods for the effective implementation of food safety management.

Processing and hygienic techniques
Food checks
- To provide an innovative food hygiene/safety training program & e-learning tool particularly on food handling/preparation focusing on the prevention of recently identified and non-widely known food hazards;
- To raise adherence to safer & hygiene processing/storage techniques (i.e., baking/frying temperatures, frequent change of oils/fats in frying, food allergy prevention) for all EU food handlers so as to avoid potentially ignored food hazards;
- To create a training package suitable for adult training with the potential to be incorporated in similar training programs and exploited by VET providers and institutions in this domain.
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